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      SyncNow logo SyncNow – connect teams , tools and processes

      Release 4.0

      < All Topics

      Release 4.0 we added new authentication options for SyncNow, two new connectors, flexible entities inputs during c# mapping.

      New Connectors

      1. Monday – we added support for Monday – including boards, links, attachments, comments, calculated columns, related board columns
      2. ZenDesk – Support with ZenDesk with entities, attachments, comments.

      Active Directory / LDAP Authentication

      SyncNow can now authenticate users from active directory and / or from SyncNow internal database.

      SSO – Authentication Providers

      Azure Entra ID

      SyncNow suppors SSO with Azure Entra ID.

      Enhancement New ‘Any’ Mapping Option

      With the Any mapping options, you can refer to objects received from work systems such as users, complex entities and manipulate their values.

      DevOps Gate – SyncNow Auth

      We strengthened SyncNow for work systems that does not have webhook authentication – SyncNow now adds a user related token for the authentication.

      User Auth Tokens for SyncNow DevOps Gate

      DevOps Gate authenticates systems with token and oauth rather than basic authentication.

      Bug Fixes for v4.0

      Resolved various bugs to improve the stability and performance of SyncNow. Key fixes include:

      1. Review SQL Queries with “IsDeleted<>1” Statement
        • Issue: SQL queries containing the “IsDeleted<>1” statement did not include “OR IsDeleted IS NULL”, leading to potential data issues.
        • Resolution: Updated SQL queries to include “OR IsDeleted IS NULL” to ensure proper handling of deleted records.
      2. User Still Active After Deletion
        • Issue: When a user was deleted, they could still perform actions until their token is expired.
        • Resolution: Fixed the issue to immediately revoke user access upon deletion.
      3. Template Issue with Connector Licensing
        • Issue: Templates were shown to connectors without a valid license, causing errors when presenting them.
        • Resolution: Ensured templates are only shown to connectors with a valid license to prevent presentation errors.
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