How to read the grid For example the grid has 1 sun run with error Sync Run from 13:00:23 Few seconds before 13:00:23 – In a Jira instance of ClickSoft were created a Bug (CLS-115). 13:00:23 – regular sync run
How to read the grid For example the grid has 2 sun runs Sync Run from 13:13:24 Few seconds before 13:13:24 – In a Jira instance of ClickSoft were created simultaneously 2 entities – Bug (CLS-116) and Story (CLS-117). 13:13:24
The queue page contains synchronized, currently synchronizing, pending entities since the start of a day. To open the Queue page : Navigate the Status page Press the Queue button Monitor synchronized, currently synchronizing, pending entities
The status page presents reports on the progress of synchronizations and DevOps gate processes logs. Each row in the grid is a synchronization of one process One process defines a set of entities Each sync run for the process contains
Entities page provides chronological sync history grouped by entities. Here each entity that were source or target entity in the past has: history of its synchronization (out and in) entities, that currently are its pairs or was in the past