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This will deploy SyncNow on windows , SyncNow will be deployed as a windows service.

Extract SyncNow compressed archive


Setup the Database

  1. SyncNow support an internal database, PostgreSQL or SQL Server (MSSQL). For the internal
    database no configuration is needed
  2. If you are using SQL Server or PostgreSQL
    • Create a user for SyncNow
    • Create a database for SyncNow and set the user as the owner of the database with full database privileges

Application Setup

  • Verify that you have admin permissions to the system
  • Change directory to SyncNow setup folder
  • Run Install.bat Install to setup SyncNow
  • Click Y to approve the license
  • Click Y to approve starting SyncNow Service, if you have PostgreSQL or SQL Server (MSSQL) press no and configure database properties.
  • Edit appsettings.json at the root folder of SyncNow Installation.
    • Set the database type, valid options are : SQLLite , SQLServer, PostgreSQL
    • Set the database host name
    • Set the database name
    • Set the database port
    • Set the database username
    • Set the database password – the password will be encrypted after the first load
    • If transport database encryption is needed – Set the value to True otherwise False
    • Windows Authentication – Set WindowsAuth to True for windows authentication, no password is needed if windows authentication is set to true. Windows Authentication is available only for postgresSQL.
  • Enter the host-name or IP address of SyncNow into <InstallationFolder>\WebApp\app.json
  • Navigate to http://<localmachine>:5030 to verify installation
    • Default User name: Admin@SyncNow.Local
    • Password: Admin
  • Change the Admin Password
  • Enter your license


  • Verify that you have admin permissions to the system
  • Change directory to SyncNow folder
  • Run Install.bat Remove to uninstall SyncNow
  • You can now delete SyncNow folder


SyncNow upgrades the database automatically during this process

  • Verify that you have admin permissions to the system
  • Change directory to the folder with the new extracted files
  • Run Install.bat Upgrade <SyncNow Installation folder> to upgrade SyncNow
  • Click Y to approve that you have a backup
  • SyncNow will upgraded automatically